Please take a moment to review all of the information on this page including the Entry Instructions to the right or open the PDF link while you enter your quilt.

Quilt Show Entries will be accepted from
February 1st to April 1st, 2025

An entry may be accepted
if it has not been shown in the
previous two years at a quilt guild show in Nevada County
or an adjacent county.

Quilts shown at a County Fair
are permitted.

Deliver your Judged Quilts

Wed April 23rd from 9am-noon,

LDS Church

615 Hollow Way, Nevada City

Deliver your Non-Judged quilts
Friday April 25th from 9am-noon.
NC Fairgrounds – Main Street Building


Judged quilts have an entry fee of $12 each.
In addition, non-PTQG members pay a
one time entry fee of $15 per show.
Mail your form(s) and check(s) to:
PTQG c/o Quilt Show
P.O. Box 3133 – Grass Valley, CA 95945

Our 2025 Quilt Show theme is
“Quilting is my Happy Place”  

Quilt Show Entry Instructions

When you click the link “Submit Your Entry”, you will be directed to the Login page. This is the starting point for entering your quilt.

* Registration:  Registration is required EACH YEAR.  Click on the red registration box if this is your first time this year.  If not, enter the email address and password you created this year.

* Contact Information:  After successfully registering or logging in, you will be directed to the contact information page. Here you can update any information that needs to be changed.

* Quilt Entry/Edit:  Click New Entry to enter a new quilt or select a quilt already entered from the pull-down menu then click Edit Entry. Edit Entry is the process you’ll use to print your form.

* Quilt Entry Details:  On a new entry, be sure to complete all fields that apply as well as the PTQG Agreement at the bottom of the page. Special Designation Quilts are for your sets that you want to hang together.  Be sure to enter a name for your Set. All names must match.

* Submit:   After completing a new entry, YOU MUST CLICK SUBMIT to save the data. This must be done before printing. If you’ve successfully saved your entry, you will be returned to the Contact Page and you’ll see your quilt listed in the last box labeled Edit Quilt Entries. If you don’t see your quilt listed, it didn’t save correctly.  Please contact Sophia if you have any questions.

* Judging/Non-Member Fees Submittal:  $12 for all Judged quilts.  $15 One-time Yearly Registration fee for Non-Members.  After Submitting the entry, you can ‘edit’ your entry to print the page as a record of your entry. For all Judged entries and entries from Non-Members, you must print a copy to mail with your fee to PTQG c/o Quilt Show.  P.O. Box 3133 – Grass Valley, CA 95949