
The Pine Tree Quilt Guild promotes the experience of textile arts for its members. The joyful spark for creativity comes in Guild monthly meetings, from guest speakers in the craft, and through participation in workshops and outreach programs. The Guild furthers its educational goals by offering the annual PTQG Memorial Scholarship to graduating high school seniors or current college students who are pursuing study in textile arts, graphic design, and other art-related fields. Applicants must be residents of Nevada County. Students may apply through the scholarship office at their respective high school or directly to the Guild.

All completed applications and photographic evidence must be received no later than March 15th. Click here for the form

Who May Apply

Any student, without regard for race or gender, who is a resident of Nevada County and plans to further his/her education in textile arts, graphic design or art-related fields may apply. Past recipients may re-apply to continue his/her studies.

Where to Apply

High School Students: Apply to the scholarship office at your respective high school or district.
Continuing College Students: Apply directly to the PTQG Scholarship chairperson.

When to Apply

All applications must be received no later than March 15th. Find the Scholarship application under PTQG Forms.

Application Review

All applications submitted within the time frame and are complete with photographic evidence of student work will be reviewed by the Scholarship Committee. This photographic evidence should reflect at least three separate works.

Scholarship Award

The Scholarship Committee makes an award based on a student’s art interests, educational goals, financial need, GPA, and college preparedness. The letter of selection is announced at the school’s Awards Night. The scholarship amount is predetermined each year by the PTQG Board.


Scholarship funds in a check issued by the Guild treasurer are deposited into the awardee’s student account at the chosen college once registration for the semester has been confirmed. Notification of registration must be initiated by the student and sent to the Scholarship Co-ordinator at the student’s high school or directly to the PTQG Scholarship chairperson.